1. If you could take only 3 items on a deserted island, what would they be?
survival knife, a case of matches, and ebannie although i don't think it's fair that she's stuck with me, but i need her.

2. Favorite movie?
the 10 commandments, "death will bring death Bacca!" (classic), Troy, "you talk of dying and love but you know nothing about dying and you know nothing about love!" (freakin bad-ass) and planes, trains, & automobiles...i love the part where steve martin and john candy's car catches on fire (hilarious!)

3. Favorite TV show?
family guy: i love you his neighbor joe always gets so fired up, american dad: roger the alien is so twisted and hilarious, 30 rock: tina fey and alec baldwin are so funny together, and tosh.0: his comedy is so raw and on the edge!

4. Favorite singer/band?
i like all kinds, but i'm big on alternative and 80's rock and some country, but not the new country. country bumkins singing on the beach or in down town new york just isnt country

5. Most memorable or funniest childhood memory?
i always laugh about how caley, leslie, and i would play "town" and somehow caley always became the town banker, chief of police, and judge. that fool would rob and cheat us all day and never get caught!

6. Favorite food? anything hot and spicy!

7. Most embarrassing moment?
my last boxing match mr. armstrong's whole family came to watch me fight. he hyped me up for weeks before the fight. phillip even quit his job to experience the awesomeness that i was...i lost that fight big time!

8. Favorite color? i like how well blues and greens mix

9. Best gift you ever received?
i like it when ebannie comes home from the store and sometimes picks me up small things that she didn't have to. like a shirt or certain foods that i like. she's so thoughtful!

10. Favorite website? don't really have one.

11. If you could have any occupation, what would it be?
firefighter or someone who backpacks across the globe.

12. If you were an animal, you would be what, and why?
i'd be a bird so i could fly around and crap on people

13. What's your idea of a perfect date?
i had such an awesome time kayaking with ebannie in hawaii. we kayaked out to that tropical beach, had lunch and hiked around the island. it was fun, and tropical, and she's always good company.

14. What's your biggest talent? i'm good at making friends with all types of people.

15. What's your biggest weakness? stubborness

16. What's your best physical characteristic? i'm a good runner

17. What's something you want to accomplish before you die? i want to see as much of the world with my family!

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    Leslie said...

    HAHAHA...TOWN! I forgot about TOWN! I LOVED, LOVED playing town. It was my favorite. But you are so right, Caley always got the good jobs. I was always like "Water Company."

    And "Death will bring death Bacca." Dad used to say that all the time! I don't think he had any idea what it meant though. Don't forget about "What is she to you?" "An old woman."

    See you learn so much about each other. The blog just keeps on giving! Like, know you know that practically all your favorite tv shows are cartoons!

  1. ... on February 9, 2010 at 7:13 PM  
  2. Ebannie said...

    i wouldn't say all of my fav tv shows are cartoons; just half of them...but i love comedy! that is so funny what you said about being the water company! classic. remember the 7 ninja kids? thats another movie dad oddly promoted to us!

  3. ... on February 20, 2010 at 12:06 PM