Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Elijah fried a turkey/chicken and I made all the side dishes. It was the perfect thanksgiving lunch! We all ate way too much! The rest of the day we just lounged around, played video games and watched movies.

Later on that night my girlfriend Felicia talked me into going to Old Navy with her for the midnight sales. Wow, I will never again do that for cloths. We ended up waiting outside in 30 degree weather for about 1.5 hrs. They were only letting 25 people go in at a time and then one for every customer that left the store. CRAZY!!!! When we finally made it in we had to stand in line for another hour. At least I got the leggings I wanted, yeeeppppeee!!! I still love you, girl!

Happy Birthday, Austin!!!

Out with the OLD in with the NEW

Elijah and I finally gave in! We bought this couch two years ago. At the time we felt it was comfortable but within the two years it has been nothing but that! So we are in search for a new couch with a chaise and we are also revamping our entertainment area. Big screen tv, surround sound, the whole SHE-BANG! Stay tuned for updates!


We have been wanting to paint our walls for a long time now but we had to get rid of some things first. Here is the accent wall where the BIG TV is going to hang. I love this color!! It's actually darker then what it looks like in the picture. The opposite wall is a macchiato brown. It looks okay but it's a bit darker then what I envisioned. We'll see how it looks when the couch arrives. The couch is a espresso color leather. It's custom made so it's taking longer to come in.

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    Leslie said...

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new paint colors!!! I am a huge fan of red. It makes it look so warm in there. I can't wait to see it when it's all finished. Eli told me about the TV and all. So cool. You guys have the HUGEST living room ever. You can do so much in there. Love it, you are a good decorator, girl!!!

  1. ... on December 27, 2010 at 2:11 PM