We spent all morning running around, so we decided to reward Noah with a new pool, yay!!! He loved it! After about two hours he was ready to go in for the day!!

He said, "It was the BEST day he ever had!! "

Guess Who's Eye?
I got alittle carried away with my camera(okay maybe CRAZY) and started taking some eye portraits. I know I'm the BIGGEST DORK but what can you say. It was funny at the time!! Can you guess who's eye they belong to? I just notice that Noah got another mole on his face..um.

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    Leslie said...

    That pool looks SO fun! That is awesome. I bet Noah loved that. It's almost a must have down in TX. It's SO hot there.

    Those eye pics are funny! And you can totally tell it goes Elijah, Noah, Ebannie!

  1. ... on June 8, 2010 at 3:44 PM