are they pretty? Nature is so beautiful!!

Sarah and Austin(neighbor)~~~~Kelly and Micheal
Saturday rolled around and when Noah left.....we didn't know what to do. Elijah said he doesn't remember how to be childless! We didn't have anything planned except to do yard work and a little bit of planting which took the whole afternoon to do.

We called Sarah and Austin to see what they were up too and if they wanted to join us. They were at a bar called the Iron Horse which is a bikers bar(we didn't know this until we pulled up). We walked in and we felt so out of place but everyone there was really nice and cool. We didn't stay there too long and ended up back at Baker Street with Sarah and Austin.

I think this is the first time we ever cooked together. It was really fun!
I made these adorable Kimono pajamas for Noah. It's a flannel print of Curious George, which totally fits Noah's character. I found the pattern on blog site, Creature of Habit. If you just let her know that you would like to attain the pattern she will gladly share it with you. Super nice, lady! Her instructions are super simple and what a cute gift it would be, especially if it was made from you. Happy Sewing!!
These cute Baby Boots and Mary Jane's patterns are from I love this site!!! She has some adorable baby/women shoes, pouches, bags and clutches! Another great thing about it is you can purchase the patterns at a low price and it's emailed to you immediately. I had so much fun making these!
P.S. If you notice the Mary Jane shoes are done in the same fabric as my guest bathroom.
Fabric is never wasted!!! Hahahaa!
Girls night out is always filled with lots of laughs, dancing and singing! Felicia in the Auburn hair is one of my good friends and Angela is Felicia's friend. She is really cool and fun! We met up at Mi Cocina which is an AMAZING Mexican restaurant and we all know how I love Mexican food! I already ate with the fam so I had to skip out on the fabulous food. :( Felicia ordered the Mambo Limousine(alcoholic bev) that is ridiculously wonderful!!!
Here I am looking goofy, singing and dancing at Pete's Piano Bar! It had been a long time since I had been out and I'm so glad Felicia invited me. I almost forgot how fun it was!!!
Good Time!!
We made pasta, stir fry veggies, grilled chicken/shrimp and chocolate cookies for dessert.
Noah, didn't want to eat any veggies or pasta and he decided he wanted grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. I had him make it, which was a semi bad idea because he put too much butter on it. It still turned out pretty good! He was so proud of himself!!!
Don't they look alike? These two can always make me laugh!
Some of Noah's many funny, goofy faces!!
Noah has always been particular about his colors and I think it is so interesting that he puts them all back in the same color scheme. He is very good at details.
Happy late Wednesday, everyone!!!

~ Eva Burrows