I wish when Sunday comes to a close it would be Saturday again. It's crazy how when your having fun time flies bye but when your not time creeps. Sorry, this blog is so late!
Friday night, Elijah and I went to a neighbor's house to have a couple of drinks and chill for the night. We did our usual thing.......glass of wine, beer, fire pit and great friends!

Sarah and Austin(neighbor)~~~~Kelly and Micheal

Sarah and Austin(neighbor)~~~~Kelly and Micheal
We all had a great time chilling, and talking about nothing really. Kelly and Michael offered to take Noah on Saturday to stay the night along with Madison and Autumn(Sarah and Austin"s kids). I was a little afraid that it would be too much for them and I don't like to really push my child on to anyone. I know that sounds harsh and I know that Kelly and Michael are great with him. It's just a part of Motherhood I guess.....we are so protective. We let him go because the last time they took the girls Noah cried for about an hour. He was really excited when we told him, he could go this time!!!
Saturday rolled around and when Noah left.....we didn't know what to do. Elijah said he doesn't remember how to be childless! We didn't have anything planned except to do yard work and a little bit of planting which took the whole afternoon to do.

After doing all of that you would think we would be worn out but we decided to take advantage of our time and paint the town. We went to watch the Clash of the Titans in 3-D... is was okay. It's not worth watching it in 3-D! After the movies we went to the bar called Baker Street. It was fun....they had a band playing called The Reds and they were AMAZING. They played a wide range of music....hip hop, rock, country, dance, and alternative.
We called Sarah and Austin to see what they were up too and if they wanted to join us. They were at a bar called the Iron Horse which is a bikers bar(we didn't know this until we pulled up). We walked in and we felt so out of place but everyone there was really nice and cool. We didn't stay there too long and ended up back at Baker Street with Sarah and Austin.
Sunday evening we all decided to get together again and do a small cookout which always turns out to be a big one.

I think this is the first time we ever cooked together. It was really fun!

I think this is the first time we ever cooked together. It was really fun!
We are so blessed to have friends like we do!!
Leslie said...
WOW, this looks like a blast! What a bunch of great friends. You guys are so blessed!
I am glad Noah had fun at his sleepover. He is such a great little guy.
And I was jealous at the pics of the cookout! I want to be there again hanging out with you guys!!!