The first Wednesday of the month is Family Night! We prepared a delicious dinner!

We made pasta, stir fry veggies, grilled chicken/shrimp and chocolate cookies for dessert.
We made pasta, stir fry veggies, grilled chicken/shrimp and chocolate cookies for dessert.
Noah, didn't want to eat any veggies or pasta and he decided he wanted grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. I had him make it, which was a semi bad idea because he put too much butter on it. It still turned out pretty good! He was so proud of himself!!!
Don't they look alike? These two can always make me laugh!
Some of Noah's many funny, goofy faces!!
Noah has always been particular about his colors and I think it is so interesting that he puts them all back in the same color scheme. He is very good at details.
Happy late Wednesday, everyone!!!
Leslie said...
This food looks DELICIOUS!!! You are such a good cook, Ebannie. That shrimp is making my mouth water.
I love all the faces! Him and Eli are like twins, it's crazy. It's like that with Caley and Jacob too. I can't believe the nephews looks EXACTLY like their dads. It's funny!
I love this post, it's so great. I can't get enough of Noah! I love the videos because he has the sweetest, most angelic voice. He's just such a sweet, fun kid and I love his energy!
You guys are such an adorable family and be careful, I just might come crash Wed family night! It's so neat how you all do special things like that. LOVE IT ALL!
Ebannie said...
Awww...thank you! You are so sweet!
Ebannie said...
You can do the shrimp too! It's really simple! Defrost your shrimp and marinate it in the GrillMates seasoning for 30m and grill. The GrillMates can be found in the grave packet section and you can choose different flavors. On the back of them it tells you what meats are good with it. We did the same thing with the chicken. It was so yummy! Happy grilling! : )