Elijah's 30th Birthday

We ordered SUSHI and had a couple of our close friends over. He loved it!

And of course we never miss a night out in Downtown Fort Worth, TX!

Ha, what great fun!

Happy Halloween!

Madison, Noah, and Autumn

We did a lot of crafts with Noah and the Girls! Even Dad joined in on some cutting and pasting! The men took the kids trick or treating this year and us women stayed in handing out candy! Next year it will be our turn to take them. They were all so cute and couldn't wait to see what all they got in their candy bags!!

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    Leslie said...


    Noah looks soooo adorable! Um, I mean he looks so mean and tough and like Gotham City's biggest vigilante crime fighter! I love the pumpkins. You guys go all out with your carving. It looks like Martha Stewart did it!

    Love and miss you all!

  1. ... on December 27, 2010 at 2:13 PM