Merry Christmas!!

We really don't have a traditional themed tree but what we do every year is we buy those ornments that they sell in the malls where you can put names on them. So I guess you can say that that is our tradition. This year we based our tree on silver, white, and red with white lights. I love Christmas time! The decorations, fire place, hot chocolate, and best of all all the cuddling. =)

Toys for Tots

Hanging out at the Light Catcher Winery House in support of the Toys for Tots! Always great to to mingle while having the lastest KISS(wine)!

Noah's Christmas Play

Sorry, the video is too big. =(

Happy Birthday, to ME!!!

The girls at work at so SWEET!!! I had the BEST DAY ever!!! I am so BLESSED to have so many people to call my friends and to have so much love!!! I couldn't ask for more!! Thanks, Ladies for making me feel so special and loved!!

Elijah and Noah got me a chair massager!!! Oh, how I love it!

The girls are so SILLY!!

The put all the stuff that I received in one area and made me take a picturewith it all!


Saturday night we all went out to celebrate our birthdays! Sarah's birthday is just a day after mine, so we are celebrating it together for the second time.

The Birthday Girls

Ohhhhh, what a night

late December 2010

What a very special time for me

Ohhhh, lady what a night

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    Leslie said...

    ohhhh girl, I love your tree! I love the personalized ornaments idea. How sweet. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!! I looks like all your friends made it a very special one and treated you like a princess! I am so glad you are back to the blog world. We've missed you!

  1. ... on December 26, 2010 at 2:50 PM  
  2. Leslie said...

    I can't decide which one I like the best...the polar bears or frogs. Those are sooooo cute!

  3. ... on December 26, 2010 at 2:51 PM  
  4. Leslie said...

    one last thing... you are sooooo pretty. I love that birthday pic of you.

  5. ... on December 26, 2010 at 2:52 PM  
  6. Ebannie said...

    Hahahaha!! You are too kind!! I love you!

    How was u'lls christmas? I hope it was GRAND!!! Thank you for the picture text! The boys are so cute! Just like their parents!
    Much ♥

  7. ... on December 27, 2010 at 11:59 AM  
  8. Ebannie said...

    Did you get a chance to read Novembers and Octobers?

  9. ... on December 27, 2010 at 12:00 PM  
  10. Leslie said...

    Sorry, I am just about to comment on them. I was going to yesterday, but then I got called a away from the computer!

    You are so sweet. Thanks for all the sweet compliments. I am so glad you are back to the blog world!

  11. ... on December 27, 2010 at 2:10 PM