Noah's version of Silent Night
Elijah and I could help ourselves! He is just so funny and his voice sounds so deep, it's so cute!
I was about to tear up when he first told me this story. It just clarifies that he really has grown up! It's a bitter sweet feeling.....sniff sniff.
Have a WONDERFUL weekend, everyone!!
Leslie said...
AHHHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! I was laughing so hard at silent night. I can't wait to show Miller. He will love it! Noah, you are such a crack up!
Okay, first of all I have never heard of a single girl named Noah. Second of all, if your name is Jerry, maybe you should be talking.
Leslie said...
ooops, that's supposed to say SHOULDN'T be talking!!! Maybe I should be typing.
Ebannie said...
I love how you stand up for him!!! hahahha! Have an awesome weekend! Hello to the boys!