Our mini vacation to Baltimore, Maryland was a beautiful adventure! I got to see more of Fe Fe's family which I could claim as my family too because I have knew them since I was 8 yrs old. We meet a lot of new wonderful people and their children. It was great just to catch up on past, present and our future life's. It's crazy but it seemed like we never even aged. They all look just like when I saw them last....amazing! Fe Fe's mom is 74+yrs old and she looks GREAT and is as active as before...I hope I'm like her when I grow old.
When we first got there Josh drove us through this beautiful country side of Hampstead, MD. It's such a beautiful place...everything was so green, so many mature trees, and can't forget all the flowers! I could kick myself now because I didn't take any pictures of the country side...ugh! They have a beautiful two story house with a full basement...GORGEOUS HOME!
We also got to meet BEAUTIFUL ISA! I love her! She is the complete mini version of Fe! She is soo smart. She knows all of her body parts and has a small vocabulary building. It so made me have baby fever....I can't wait to have a little girl!
The first night we went to our first Orioles baseball game. They aren't that great but it was something fun we all enjoyed doing. Good times! Friday, we just hung out and grocery shopped for the big house/birthday party Saturday. We Filippa's always go all out when it comes to parties. With Fe's whole family there, there was a lot of helping hands to make it all happen. Wait until you see all the food!!!! There was food in the formal dinning, dessert in the kitchen, hot dogs, burgers and roast pig outside. And the crazy thing about it is, it was all gone by the end of the night. I ate a lot but never did I get a plate full of food. I mostly nipped at everything.
It was a good time! We are going to make this a tradition.....to visit each other every two years. It's so great to have family near you even if it's not your immediate family. I want Elijah and I to have a big family(of course I say that now but I mean it...i think..hahhaha). It's so great to be a part of something so important, full of love and laughter. I love it!!
Leslie said...
What a fun trip! Looks like you guys had a blast and got to spend some real quality time with people you love.
Of course Noah got some peanuts for being so stinking cute! He should have gotten the whole truck. I love you Noah!
And what does Eli's shirt say in some of those pics? Trust me I'm a what? I couldn't see.
WOW, that was a crazy amount of food! Looks delicious. Wish I was there right now. I know if it's anything like your cooking, it was AMAZING!
And Isa is so cute!
Ebannie said...
Trust me I'm a Doctor (picture of a docter pepper can).