~Isadora James
I love you, sis!!!
I don't have to worry about Noah, because he has three cousin that take really GOOD care of him. They LOVE him and he ADORES them!
Hector my brother-in-law requested for us to come see them this pass weekend because he wanted to make my sister feel extra spacial for their 11th year anniversary by surprising her with our visit. She asked us to come but I told her that Elijah had plans and we weren't able to make it until we showed up at her front door 4 hours later. She was so surprised and had no clue. Her expression was priceless!!!! Hector did GOOD!
So last night I was really craving for some kind of dessert and I wanted to make something easy. You could say I still have pizza on my mind, because I made this yummy pizza dessert. Super simple to make! Both the boys really liked it, which is surprising to me because Elijah isn't to fond of sweets. I guess the fruit tops it off for him! And of course I can always count on Noah loving my baked goods! Have fun making your dessert pizza!
Go here ">http://www.pillsbury.com/Recipes/ShowRecipe.aspx?rid=12133

It is one of the earliest explored river in Texas and was named for Our Lady of Guadalupe by a Spanish explorer in 1689. Some parts of the Guadalupe is famous because of the exciting rapids, sparkling clear waters, scenic views, and good fishing. The river has it's occasional rapids, but for the most part the river flows along lazily. This area is so nice because along the river you will find restaurants, bars with live music, plenty of outfitters, and places to stay from tent camping to river houses to resorts with amazing views of the river and the surrounding hills.
Sarah, invited the usual gang for a night of create your own pizza. We each made a pizza and they were all delicious! I made a veggie with bacon, Elijah made a chicken pesto with veggies, Sarah made a chicken pesto with olives/chicken alfredo and one with all veggies, Austin made a bacon/pineapple and Micheal and Kelly made an all topping pizza. In the end it was a lot of fun and a lot of pizza. I think the Torres will have pizza for the rest of the week because no one took any home.
Awww......Good times!
We transferred Noah to the Academy last year and we couldn't be any happier with our choice. The Academy's program is geared to get these kids prepared for Kindergarten. Noah's teacher always brags about how Noah is so SMART....tear...for example she handed out kindergarten assignments and when she returned to help Noah, he had already finished and did them all correctly. We are so proud of our little Noah!
Sorry I would share the video but it's too large
He was award the MOST AMBITIOUS in is class! The program was really cute and we enjoyed every minute of it!!

~ Eva Burrows