So this weekend a had a CRAZY itch to make some pillows for the living room. I have been wanting to get some new pillows to dress up the couch for some time now, but always talked myself out of buying them. For those of you who don't know me, I love to SEW! It's one of my favorite hobbies!! This pass year was quit busy for us doing things here, there and I never had time to do any sewing. So I decided to do some sewing and this is what I made!!!

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In FAMILY life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.
~ Eva Burrows
~ Eva Burrows

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Leslie said...
I LOVE those!!! Those are so aawesome! I wish I would have had you make me some pillows. I just bought new ones for my couch a couple of weeks ago. Those are so cool, you are so crafty!
I love how you did the floral with the red accents! Looks so good.
Ebannie said...
Thank you!!! When you do decide to change your decor or have new ideas, find the fabrics you like and I will be happy to do them for you.
Leslie said...
AWESOME!!! Do you have a machine? I used to have one until I ruined it. :(