We discovered a round knot in the left side to Noah's neck Wednesday and the following night we went to the doctors. Like any doctors office you wait for an hour or more to be seen in less then five minutes. Eeerrrr, that really erkes me!!
Rewind----While driving to the clinic Noah and I had a conversation about why adults knew everything. Now keep in mind Noah is the biggest 4yr old debater so when you tell him the correct information he will disagree with you. Noah was spelling a word but he spelled it wrong so I was telling him the correct way to spell but again disagreed with me. After a few times of correcting him be got discouraged and asked why I know everything. I felt bad and tried to encourage him that he also knew allot of things and that adults knew more because we were older. And that one day he would be an adult and know what we know and even more. He thought about it and said
Noah: Well, I want to be an adult, now!
Me: Why do you want to be an adult?
Noah: Because I want to know everything too!
Me: You will when you got older. You don't want to be an adult now because you have to go to work and have responsibilities.
He though about that for a minute.....
Noah: I want to be an adult so I don't have to go to school.
Me: If you don't go to school you won't learn anything. And if you were an adult you couldn't play all day.
He thought again.....
Noah: Well, God has the power to make me be an adult.
I silently laughed!!!!
Me: I wished that God had the power for me to play all day!
Noah: God has the power to do anything, mom! God has the power for you to drive, to eat, to run and to fart!!!
We both laughed! And once you get Noah laughing it never stops!!

Fast forward to the waiting room: While waiting what seemed like forever.....we had to do something with our time. So I let him play with my camera phone and these are pictures he took.

I was looking at his neck and trying to see if it had gotten any worse and if it was hurting him. It was still the same and he complained that it was hurting him! I made the comment, "I wonder what it is?".
Noah: I think I have an idea, mom!
Me: What do you think it is?
Noah: The other day I swallowed a ball and it got stuck in my neck.
He was serious as can be when he said this. I started laughing!! He is the funniest and has the most creative mind ever. We laughed about this for ever!! I asked him to tell the doctor what he thought it was but when the doc came in he was too shy!! She thought it was so funny!!!! Here is the picture of the BALL that got stuck in his neck!

The Doc said he is going to be fine! It is just an infected lymph nodes and with medication the infection and swalling will go away! Thank GOD!!!!!
Leslie said...
No is so FUNNY and SMART!!! He is seriously a 4 year old genius. WOW! I am always so impressed with him. I love the God can make you fart line! And the swallowing the ball...PRICELESS!
I am soooo glad he will be okay. GET WELL SOON, NOAH!!! We love you!