Noah laughing about NOTHING! Once you get him started it's hard to make him STOP. His laugh is just TOO contagious.
3:24 PM -
Posted by Ebannie -
Thursday morning the DFW was hit with a winter snow advisory. By the end of the night Fort Worth had a record snow fall of 12.5 inches. The most we've had I think in 5 years! Here are a couple of pictures and videos of us, playing, building a snowman and sledding!
Here he is so excited it snowed, again this year. At the very end of the video he is pretending to be a frozen person.

Every little step he took his pants kept falling. It was so cute!!!
Round Two: Mom and Dad got smart! I know it looks really getto but hey his shoes stayed dry. :) After 30 minutes of being outside he said, "Mom, I'm freezing like a popsicle!" It really does AMAZES us with the things he says.

Round Three: Her we are sledding down a him on the service highway!! It was so much FUN!!! Noah went crazy! The first time he went down he fell off the laundry basket and made himself keeping rolling down the hill. He really had a GREAT time!! He wished it SNOWED everyday!!
Here he is so excited it snowed, again this year. At the very end of the video he is pretending to be a frozen person.
Every little step he took his pants kept falling. It was so cute!!!
Round Three: Her we are sledding down a him on the service highway!! It was so much FUN!!! Noah went crazy! The first time he went down he fell off the laundry basket and made himself keeping rolling down the hill. He really had a GREAT time!! He wished it SNOWED everyday!!
11:16 AM -
Posted by Ebannie -
Our neighbor who lives across the street from us has two girls, Madison who is 5 and Autumn who is 3 years old. Noah loves Madison like a sister and always wants to play with her. Autumn not so much because she gets into his things. We always have to remind him to share and that Autumn is still learning.
One day after school, while driving home......
Noah: I will never be 5 like Madison!
Me: In a few months you will.
Noah: No, I won't!
Me: Yes, you will! In August you will have your 5th Birthday Party!!
Noah: But when I turn 5, Madison will be 6 and I want to be the 6 like her!
Me: Babe, i hate to tell you this but that will never happen because Madison is a year older then you! Daddy and I aren't the same number. I'm 30 and Daddy is 29 and it's okay that we aren't the same number.
Noah: (crying big tears and having an emotional break down) I want to be 6 like Madison! I will never be 6 like Madison.
At this POINT...there was nothing I could do to make him feel better. I've never experience a kid having this kind of emotion. I felt so bad for him!
A few days LATER...he had the same break down with Dad.
One day after school, while driving home......
Noah: I will never be 5 like Madison!
Me: In a few months you will.
Noah: No, I won't!
Me: Yes, you will! In August you will have your 5th Birthday Party!!
Noah: But when I turn 5, Madison will be 6 and I want to be the 6 like her!
Me: Babe, i hate to tell you this but that will never happen because Madison is a year older then you! Daddy and I aren't the same number. I'm 30 and Daddy is 29 and it's okay that we aren't the same number.
Noah: (crying big tears and having an emotional break down) I want to be 6 like Madison! I will never be 6 like Madison.
At this POINT...there was nothing I could do to make him feel better. I've never experience a kid having this kind of emotion. I felt so bad for him!
A few days LATER...he had the same break down with Dad.
11:16 AM -
Posted by Ebannie -
1. If you could take only 3 items on a deserted island, what would they be?
survival knife, a case of matches, and ebannie although i don't think it's fair that she's stuck with me, but i need her.
2. Favorite movie?
the 10 commandments, "death will bring death Bacca!" (classic), Troy, "you talk of dying and love but you know nothing about dying and you know nothing about love!" (freakin bad-ass) and planes, trains, & automobiles...i love the part where steve martin and john candy's car catches on fire (hilarious!)
3. Favorite TV show?
family guy: i love you his neighbor joe always gets so fired up, american dad: roger the alien is so twisted and hilarious, 30 rock: tina fey and alec baldwin are so funny together, and tosh.0: his comedy is so raw and on the edge!
4. Favorite singer/band?
i like all kinds, but i'm big on alternative and 80's rock and some country, but not the new country. country bumkins singing on the beach or in down town new york just isnt country
5. Most memorable or funniest childhood memory?
i always laugh about how caley, leslie, and i would play "town" and somehow caley always became the town banker, chief of police, and judge. that fool would rob and cheat us all day and never get caught!
6. Favorite food? anything hot and spicy!
7. Most embarrassing moment?
my last boxing match mr. armstrong's whole family came to watch me fight. he hyped me up for weeks before the fight. phillip even quit his job to experience the awesomeness that i was...i lost that fight big time!
8. Favorite color? i like how well blues and greens mix
9. Best gift you ever received?
i like it when ebannie comes home from the store and sometimes picks me up small things that she didn't have to. like a shirt or certain foods that i like. she's so thoughtful!
10. Favorite website? don't really have one.
11. If you could have any occupation, what would it be?
firefighter or someone who backpacks across the globe.
12. If you were an animal, you would be what, and why?
i'd be a bird so i could fly around and crap on people
13. What's your idea of a perfect date?
i had such an awesome time kayaking with ebannie in hawaii. we kayaked out to that tropical beach, had lunch and hiked around the island. it was fun, and tropical, and she's always good company.
14. What's your biggest talent? i'm good at making friends with all types of people.
15. What's your biggest weakness? stubborness
16. What's your best physical characteristic? i'm a good runner
17. What's something you want to accomplish before you die? i want to see as much of the world with my family!
survival knife, a case of matches, and ebannie although i don't think it's fair that she's stuck with me, but i need her.
2. Favorite movie?
the 10 commandments, "death will bring death Bacca!" (classic), Troy, "you talk of dying and love but you know nothing about dying and you know nothing about love!" (freakin bad-ass) and planes, trains, & automobiles...i love the part where steve martin and john candy's car catches on fire (hilarious!)
3. Favorite TV show?
family guy: i love you his neighbor joe always gets so fired up, american dad: roger the alien is so twisted and hilarious, 30 rock: tina fey and alec baldwin are so funny together, and tosh.0: his comedy is so raw and on the edge!
4. Favorite singer/band?
i like all kinds, but i'm big on alternative and 80's rock and some country, but not the new country. country bumkins singing on the beach or in down town new york just isnt country
5. Most memorable or funniest childhood memory?
i always laugh about how caley, leslie, and i would play "town" and somehow caley always became the town banker, chief of police, and judge. that fool would rob and cheat us all day and never get caught!
6. Favorite food? anything hot and spicy!
7. Most embarrassing moment?
my last boxing match mr. armstrong's whole family came to watch me fight. he hyped me up for weeks before the fight. phillip even quit his job to experience the awesomeness that i was...i lost that fight big time!
8. Favorite color? i like how well blues and greens mix
9. Best gift you ever received?
i like it when ebannie comes home from the store and sometimes picks me up small things that she didn't have to. like a shirt or certain foods that i like. she's so thoughtful!
10. Favorite website? don't really have one.
11. If you could have any occupation, what would it be?
firefighter or someone who backpacks across the globe.
12. If you were an animal, you would be what, and why?
i'd be a bird so i could fly around and crap on people
13. What's your idea of a perfect date?
i had such an awesome time kayaking with ebannie in hawaii. we kayaked out to that tropical beach, had lunch and hiked around the island. it was fun, and tropical, and she's always good company.
14. What's your biggest talent? i'm good at making friends with all types of people.
15. What's your biggest weakness? stubborness
16. What's your best physical characteristic? i'm a good runner
17. What's something you want to accomplish before you die? i want to see as much of the world with my family!
11:43 AM -
Posted by Ebannie -

We discovered a round knot in the left side to Noah's neck Wednesday and the following night we went to the doctors. Like any doctors office you wait for an hour or more to be seen in less then five minutes. Eeerrrr, that really erkes me!!
Rewind----While driving to the clinic Noah and I had a conversation about why adults knew everything. Now keep in mind Noah is the biggest 4yr old debater so when you tell him the correct information he will disagree with you. Noah was spelling a word but he spelled it wrong so I was telling him the correct way to spell but again disagreed with me. After a few times of correcting him be got discouraged and asked why I know everything. I felt bad and tried to encourage him that he also knew allot of things and that adults knew more because we were older. And that one day he would be an adult and know what we know and even more. He thought about it and said
Noah: Well, I want to be an adult, now!
Me: Why do you want to be an adult?
Noah: Because I want to know everything too!
Me: You will when you got older. You don't want to be an adult now because you have to go to work and have responsibilities.
He though about that for a minute.....
Noah: I want to be an adult so I don't have to go to school.
Me: If you don't go to school you won't learn anything. And if you were an adult you couldn't play all day.
He thought again.....
Noah: Well, God has the power to make me be an adult.
I silently laughed!!!!
Me: I wished that God had the power for me to play all day!
Noah: God has the power to do anything, mom! God has the power for you to drive, to eat, to run and to fart!!!
We both laughed! And once you get Noah laughing it never stops!!

Fast forward to the waiting room: While waiting what seemed like forever.....we had to do something with our time. So I let him play with my camera phone and these are pictures he took.

I was looking at his neck and trying to see if it had gotten any worse and if it was hurting him. It was still the same and he complained that it was hurting him! I made the comment, "I wonder what it is?".
Noah: I think I have an idea, mom!
Me: What do you think it is?
Noah: The other day I swallowed a ball and it got stuck in my neck.
He was serious as can be when he said this. I started laughing!! He is the funniest and has the most creative mind ever. We laughed about this for ever!! I asked him to tell the doctor what he thought it was but when the doc came in he was too shy!! She thought it was so funny!!!! Here is the picture of the BALL that got stuck in his neck!

The Doc said he is going to be fine! It is just an infected lymph nodes and with medication the infection and swalling will go away! Thank GOD!!!!!

We discovered a round knot in the left side to Noah's neck Wednesday and the following night we went to the doctors. Like any doctors office you wait for an hour or more to be seen in less then five minutes. Eeerrrr, that really erkes me!!
Rewind----While driving to the clinic Noah and I had a conversation about why adults knew everything. Now keep in mind Noah is the biggest 4yr old debater so when you tell him the correct information he will disagree with you. Noah was spelling a word but he spelled it wrong so I was telling him the correct way to spell but again disagreed with me. After a few times of correcting him be got discouraged and asked why I know everything. I felt bad and tried to encourage him that he also knew allot of things and that adults knew more because we were older. And that one day he would be an adult and know what we know and even more. He thought about it and said
Noah: Well, I want to be an adult, now!
Me: Why do you want to be an adult?
Noah: Because I want to know everything too!
Me: You will when you got older. You don't want to be an adult now because you have to go to work and have responsibilities.
He though about that for a minute.....
Noah: I want to be an adult so I don't have to go to school.
Me: If you don't go to school you won't learn anything. And if you were an adult you couldn't play all day.
He thought again.....
Noah: Well, God has the power to make me be an adult.
I silently laughed!!!!
Me: I wished that God had the power for me to play all day!
Noah: God has the power to do anything, mom! God has the power for you to drive, to eat, to run and to fart!!!
We both laughed! And once you get Noah laughing it never stops!!

Fast forward to the waiting room: While waiting what seemed like forever.....we had to do something with our time. So I let him play with my camera phone and these are pictures he took.

I was looking at his neck and trying to see if it had gotten any worse and if it was hurting him. It was still the same and he complained that it was hurting him! I made the comment, "I wonder what it is?".
Noah: I think I have an idea, mom!
Me: What do you think it is?
Noah: The other day I swallowed a ball and it got stuck in my neck.
He was serious as can be when he said this. I started laughing!! He is the funniest and has the most creative mind ever. We laughed about this for ever!! I asked him to tell the doctor what he thought it was but when the doc came in he was too shy!! She thought it was so funny!!!! Here is the picture of the BALL that got stuck in his neck!

The Doc said he is going to be fine! It is just an infected lymph nodes and with medication the infection and swalling will go away! Thank GOD!!!!!
10:27 AM -
Posted by Ebannie -
1. If you could take only 3 items on a deserted island, what would they be?
Elijah, to keep me safe and warm. Noah, to keep us laughing because he is such a goof ball and a deserted island survival book.
2. Favorite movie? Braveheart "It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom!" Titanic "I'll never let go, Jack. I promise." The Notebook "That's my sweetheart in there. Wherever she is, that's where my home is." Shanghai Noon ♪I'm a Cowboy, baby!♪ and the part were their in the bathtub. That part always cracks me up!!!
3. Favorite TV show? America's Next Top Model because I love fashion and all the drama. So You Think You Can Dance because I secretly wish I could dance. Hells Kitchen- he is so mean but I love it!!! Bachelor and Bachelorette
4. Favorite singer/band? I don't really have any because I love all types of music. Right now I'm really into the Band Pepper, Bob Marley, 311, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Matishaui, Zox, The Ting Tings, and more.
5. Most memorable or funniest childhood memory? When my sister and I first came to the states everyone would always tease us about our flat nose. So my sister said that if I put a cloths pin on my nose it would stay pointed. I did it but all I was left with was cloths pin makings on my nose. Hahaha!
6. Favorite food? I love Mexican! Chips and salsa "Yummy!"
7. Most embarrassing moment?
Air Force Training- "Warrior Week" where we had to rough it in tents, in the woods, mud, cold showers, and nasty food for 2 weeks. Everyone had an Wingman buddy that you had to be with at all times. I had to go to the bathroom so bad and I didn't want to be rude so I waited for her to finish eating, thinking that I could hold it a bit longer. She finishes but the restrooms were up the hill about a half a mile. Every single step I took felt like I was going to go any minute. Now picture me walking up this hill with a full bladder and full MOCK gear. I finally make it to the bathroom but I still had to take all my gear off. My buddy was helping me take all my gear off and once I got into the stool I couldn't unbutton my pants because i was trying to hold myself with the other hand (I know TMI)until I felt something warm on my leg. At this point my body couldn't stop and I went all over myself. I was so embarrassed I cried! My wingman was being so nice by not laughing or saying anything to anyone.
8. Favorite color? Topaz Blue
9. Best gift you ever received? Elijah and I were being adventures one day in Hawaii and decided that we were going to scale down this huge cliff to explore the secluded beach below. I know we are CRAZY!! I felt the route he was taking was too hard for me and decided to take another route. The last thing I remember is seeing his face flash before my eyes and I was falling. I fell about 5 feet below, right before the cliff was to drop off. It all happened so fast and I didn't know what to think. I guess I was in shock! So I have to say the best gift is LIFE.
10. Favorite website? Pandora and Grove Shark- I cann't live without music!
11. If you could have any occupation, what would it be? I've always wanted to be a Photographer but currently I would like to be Samantha Brown and get paid to travel the world.
12. If you were an animal, you would be what, and why? Right now I wish I was a groundhog so I can stay warm all winter long.
13. What's your idea of a perfect date? My perfect date would have to be with my love Elijah, somewhere tropical where we can just relax and enjoy each others company.
14. What's your biggest talent? Being creative!
15. What's your biggest weakness? Low self esteem :(
16. What's your best physical characteristic? My smile! :)
17. What's something you want to accomplish before you die? I'm not exactly sure but I just want to live my life to the fullest and be morally open to anything that comes my way.
Elijah, to keep me safe and warm. Noah, to keep us laughing because he is such a goof ball and a deserted island survival book.
2. Favorite movie? Braveheart "It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom!" Titanic "I'll never let go, Jack. I promise." The Notebook "That's my sweetheart in there. Wherever she is, that's where my home is." Shanghai Noon ♪I'm a Cowboy, baby!♪ and the part were their in the bathtub. That part always cracks me up!!!
3. Favorite TV show? America's Next Top Model because I love fashion and all the drama. So You Think You Can Dance because I secretly wish I could dance. Hells Kitchen- he is so mean but I love it!!! Bachelor and Bachelorette
4. Favorite singer/band? I don't really have any because I love all types of music. Right now I'm really into the Band Pepper, Bob Marley, 311, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Matishaui, Zox, The Ting Tings, and more.
5. Most memorable or funniest childhood memory? When my sister and I first came to the states everyone would always tease us about our flat nose. So my sister said that if I put a cloths pin on my nose it would stay pointed. I did it but all I was left with was cloths pin makings on my nose. Hahaha!
6. Favorite food? I love Mexican! Chips and salsa "Yummy!"
7. Most embarrassing moment?
Air Force Training- "Warrior Week" where we had to rough it in tents, in the woods, mud, cold showers, and nasty food for 2 weeks. Everyone had an Wingman buddy that you had to be with at all times. I had to go to the bathroom so bad and I didn't want to be rude so I waited for her to finish eating, thinking that I could hold it a bit longer. She finishes but the restrooms were up the hill about a half a mile. Every single step I took felt like I was going to go any minute. Now picture me walking up this hill with a full bladder and full MOCK gear. I finally make it to the bathroom but I still had to take all my gear off. My buddy was helping me take all my gear off and once I got into the stool I couldn't unbutton my pants because i was trying to hold myself with the other hand (I know TMI)until I felt something warm on my leg. At this point my body couldn't stop and I went all over myself. I was so embarrassed I cried! My wingman was being so nice by not laughing or saying anything to anyone.
8. Favorite color? Topaz Blue
9. Best gift you ever received? Elijah and I were being adventures one day in Hawaii and decided that we were going to scale down this huge cliff to explore the secluded beach below. I know we are CRAZY!! I felt the route he was taking was too hard for me and decided to take another route. The last thing I remember is seeing his face flash before my eyes and I was falling. I fell about 5 feet below, right before the cliff was to drop off. It all happened so fast and I didn't know what to think. I guess I was in shock! So I have to say the best gift is LIFE.
10. Favorite website? Pandora and Grove Shark- I cann't live without music!
11. If you could have any occupation, what would it be? I've always wanted to be a Photographer but currently I would like to be Samantha Brown and get paid to travel the world.
12. If you were an animal, you would be what, and why? Right now I wish I was a groundhog so I can stay warm all winter long.
13. What's your idea of a perfect date? My perfect date would have to be with my love Elijah, somewhere tropical where we can just relax and enjoy each others company.
14. What's your biggest talent? Being creative!
15. What's your biggest weakness? Low self esteem :(
16. What's your best physical characteristic? My smile! :)
17. What's something you want to accomplish before you die? I'm not exactly sure but I just want to live my life to the fullest and be morally open to anything that comes my way.
1:56 PM -
Posted by Ebannie -
Outlook for the Atlantic, Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico …
Hurricane Whodat is predicted to make landfall on the Florida coast in the vicinity of Miami on 7 Feb 2010 at approximately 2200Z (5:00 PM EST). This extremely powerful hurricane is expected to produce damaging Shockey waves and Category 5 Brees. Reports from shipping indicate that this unstoppable storm has blown a huge flock of Cardinals all the way to Arizona , and that it has sunk a replica Viking longboat, the Brettigfǻvren. Livestock, in particular young horses, will be in severe danger of being decimated. Predictive damage estimates are unavailable at this time, but they are expected to be significant.
All interests in and near the Miami area are advised to prepare for a storm surge of catastrophic proportions as Hurricane Whodat begins to arrive in approximately 7 days.
I thought this was so for real until I kept on reading!!! Hahaha
Hurricane Whodat is predicted to make landfall on the Florida coast in the vicinity of Miami on 7 Feb 2010 at approximately 2200Z (5:00 PM EST). This extremely powerful hurricane is expected to produce damaging Shockey waves and Category 5 Brees. Reports from shipping indicate that this unstoppable storm has blown a huge flock of Cardinals all the way to Arizona , and that it has sunk a replica Viking longboat, the Brettigfǻvren. Livestock, in particular young horses, will be in severe danger of being decimated. Predictive damage estimates are unavailable at this time, but they are expected to be significant.
All interests in and near the Miami area are advised to prepare for a storm surge of catastrophic proportions as Hurricane Whodat begins to arrive in approximately 7 days.
I thought this was so for real until I kept on reading!!! Hahaha

In FAMILY life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.
~ Eva Burrows
~ Eva Burrows

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